Why you need to try Yin Yoga!

Yoga is so hot at the moment! It is one of the biggest fitness trends right now – everyone seems to be walking around in their active wear clutching their Yoga mats. No wonder, according to Roy Morgan, Yoga is Australia’s preferred cardio, strength and flexibility exercise with 2.18 million Australians participating in yoga in the year to December 2017.Yoga participation easily outstrips other popular exercise choice such as Pilates (which has around 1.2 million participants) and aerobics (with just over 1 million participants).

What is Yin Yoga?

The first thing you have to decide is which Yoga class is the best one for you.  Not as easy as you think as there are so many different types and it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the choices.

If you are starting out on your Yoga journey or are interested in the more meditative aspects of Yoga, a Yin Yoga class would be ideal for you.

A Yin class usually consists of a series of passive floor poses held for 45 seconds (if you are a beginner) to up to 5 minutes or more. Yin Yoga focusing on stillness, calmness and reflection – think sleep, meditation and calmness.

Who is Yin Yoga suitable for?

Let’s face it – we are living in incredibly, stressful and busy lives. We are always texting, emailing, and trying to cram in as much as we can on a daily basis.

So it is important to find some balance – to find a calming yin to the vigorous demands of the yang. This is why Yin Yoga is perfect for people living in today’s modern life.

So ask yourself this:

  • Do you get over stimulated and overwhelmed by everything?
  • Feel tight, tense or sore in your muscles?
  • Want to find a better balance between your mind and body?
  • Need to reduce your stress levels?
  • Do you need to take some time out and slow down more?
  • Do you have any sporting injuries?

Then maybe you want to try a Yin class – and the best thing is, they are suitable for all fitness levels. Check timetable 

What other benefits are there to Yin Yoga?

There are countless other physical and mental benefits to Yin Yoga:

  • Calms and balances the mind and body
  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • Increased circulation
  • Improved flexibility
  • Greater joint mobility
  • Greater strength
  • Improved health
  • Decreased stress levels
  • Greater stamina
  • Flexibility of the body’s connective tissues and joints
  • Slow the signs of ageing
  • Improved meditation
  • Deeper relaxation

If you’re completely new to to yoga and unsure what to expect with yoga to learn more click here  



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Scott Henry

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