Ways to stay motivated over winter!!

When it gets cold outside it’s easy to go into hibernation mode. Eat comfort food, lounge, pyjamas and a Netflix binge and chill..LOL. Who doesn’t want to stay warm under a blanket on the lounge it’s one of the best parts about winter!  You can’t do this all winter and put your health & fitness on the back burner. Do you want to feel your best this winter? Stay motivated to be healthy and strong? It’s so easy to let winter mess with your routine leaving you feeling down and lonely. Don’t let this winter get the better of you. Tips below to stay motivated.

Workout with a friend or trainer

Training with a trainer or friend is a good way to stay motivated.  It makes you accountable. You will be less likely to skip sessions. You’ll be pushed. It will be more enjoyable and you’re more likely to reach your goals than when you train alone.

Set a goal

I often hear people say they put on weight over winter, just a few kilos. Are you this person?  One way to prevent this so you do not become the victim of weight gain is to set yourself a winter goal. Remember, rewards are important when your reach your goal. Unsure how to set goals? How to set SMART Goals .

Change it up

Doing the same thing can become very boring.  Combine that with the cold weather and you have a very easy excuse not to train. Try something new – Yin Yoga, HIIT, TRX, Barre or an Indoor Cycle just to name a few.  You will learn and achieve a new skill while working towards that goal you set for yourself.

Purchase some winter gear

Go and buy yourself some new winter gear especially some 2XU tights. They will keep you warm and are also great for recovery.  Hopefully the purchase will help you stay motivated.

Join a challenge with friends / work friends or at your gym

Why don’t you set up a challenge to help you stay on track ? Maybe your gym runs a winter challenge? Join in ! Everything will be already set up for you, you don’t have to anything except join in.  This will keep you motivated in a group environment where you can work towards your individual goals.

Let’s face it winter comes around every year, we can’t avoid it unless you go overseas. So why don’t you just embrace it, make the most of it. Let’s hit the beach next summer with even better beach bodies than this year. Let’s utilise winter rather than going into hibernation, glued to Netflix and eating comfort food! Good luck finding your winter motivation.


Scott Henry

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