What to expect in your first Yoga class?

Yoga is hot at the moment – it seems like there is a Yoga Bar on every corner.

So if you are ready to downward dog dive in and give it a go! Then read our tips on how to make your first Yoga class the best experience possible.

Begin with a basic Yoga class

There seem to be so many different Yoga classes out there – Vinyasa, Bikram, Iyenga, Hot Yoga, Yin Yoga – the list goes on. Check with the Yoga centre as to which Yoga class would be best for a beginner. Try our Yoga Basics Class

Arrive early and talk to the instructor

Any time you are doing a new class, make sure you come at least 10 minutes early. So the instructor can tell you what to expect, provide you with options and also check if you have any existing injuries or issues.

Try and get the hang of some basic poses

Look up on YouTube Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Plank, Warrior and other basic positions and try them out at home to get the hang of some of the poses so you feel more comfortable in the class.

Bring your own mat!

Make sure you bring your own mat to all Yoga classes – that way you know it is clean and isn’t full of germs and other people’s sweat – YUK!

Have an open mind

Like trying any new thing for the first time, try and leave your judgment at the door and go in with an open mind.

And don’t worry if you can’t get the hang of all the poses – practice makes perfect. And whatever you do don’t compare yourself to other participants – just focus on yourself.

Don’t forget to breathe

Let’s face it we take breathing for granted. But the beauty of Yoga is that it gives you a deeper breathing awareness on how it is influencing your body and mind. By developing good breathing patterns, this will only help improve the quality of your Yoga poses.

Make sure you stay right to the very end

This is really important – you start the class so make sure you finish the class. This is out of respect for the instructors and the other members.

At the end, your instructor may bow their head as if in prayer, clasp the hands together in front of the heart and says, “Namaste” (pronounced nah-mas-TAY) which means “I honour you.”

Scott Henry

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