Do you overtrain?

Yup, there’s such a thing as overtraining – and you might not even realise you’re doing it. So you’re finally committed to your fitness journey and you’re going in…hard. Maybe harder than you ever have before. Perhaps your now trying to counteract a few months/years/lifetimes of over indulgence with your new-found love for the gym.…

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10 Ways to Stay Motivated!

  Lacking some motivation? Here are 10 simple tips to help you stay on track. Set Your Goal/s It’s all about succeeding, by setting SMART goals,  you’ll be motivated to succeed. Try setting one important goal and other smaller goals that will help you achieve that important goal. Schedule Your Workout Schedule your workouts in…

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9 Best Tips to Burning Fat

Ditch the scales Although your goal for the summer is to look better in a bikini and a tank top, the scales are not usually the best measure. It is just a mind game and not motivating at all. You can eat perfectly and train hard but gain 2kg’s of muscle and lose 2 kg’s…

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How I feel about supplements…..

I often get asked what supplements should I be taking from all types of people.  Those training for a marathon, trying to lose weight, build muscle or just training to be fit and healthy. What ever happened to just good hard core training, good nutrition and enough sleep(recovery)? So I guess you can see how…

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5 ways to stick to those new year goals!

New year, new you, right? We’ve all heard the cliché and every year, we all seem to make goals and not stick to them. But that doesn’t have to be the case. With a few simple rules, we can make sure that we smash our 2018 resolutions with ease. 1. Prioritise your goals  There’s no…

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Keep Rollin’

You might have heard all about, and maybe even already become a firm believer, in the benefits of those brightly coloured squishy cylinders. You might, however, have always looked at other people rolling around with their legs akimbo (and usually a slight grimace on their face) in the gym and thought, “that looks like something…

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Training Through Injuries

It doesn’t matter if you’re a gym newbie or a professional athlete, injuries happen to almost everyone at some point. Injury can often be the perfect excuse to deter you from exercising altogether and can undo all the hard work you’ve been doing… but only if you let it. However, just because you can’t train…

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HIIT – Not a Song on the Top 40

HIIT is a way of working out that is very popular, and in vogue for the last few years -although the principals are nothing new. HIIT has a multitude of benefits. Whether you have been training for years, are getting back into regular exercise, or have not previously exercised, HIIT is perfect for you. So,…

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personal trainer inner west

The Benefits of Strength Training

When you go on a first date, there are some questions you always ask: What do you do? Where do you live? What do you enjoy doing? Do you lift weights? Say what? Yes everyone, male female, old and young needs to do some form of strength training.  If you have never picked up a…

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The Benefits of Pedal Power

Firstly I want to welcome you to our first blog on our new web site! Secondly, if you don’t already know, we have just opened a new studio in Leichhardt – yay! One of things I wanted to make sure the studio had was a dedicated cycle room for group spin classes. I have been…

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