New Year… New Me…Blah Blah Blah

It’s that time of year when everyone is making new year resolutions. I hear people say I am going to exercise more, eat better, spend less time online, pursue my career or maybe work on my relationships. Let’s face it, one in three abandon their resolutions by end of January. I know I have done this in the past, usually due to lack of time or the commitment to the goal to begin with.

If you are serious about sticking to your resolutions here are some proven methods that may increase your chances of meeting your goals and continuing to meet them throughout the year. To achieve a positive transformation, gain renewed confidence and a more focused outlook on the future you need to embrace the change, nobody says this is easy, it requires soul searching and determination.

9 top tips to help you establish, achieve and maintain! 

Set SMART goals

One of the most important things to sticking to your resolutions is setting them. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. For instance, “I want to lose weight” is not a goal – “I want to lose 10kgs by March 30th” is more specific, measurable and incorporates a deadline.

Write down your goals

This will clarify your goals and make you accountable, motivating you to act. A study from the Dominican University of California found that people who wrote down their goals, shared this information with a friend, and sent weekly updates to them were on average 33 percent more successful in accomplishing their stated goals than those who merely formulated goals on their own.

Close the bridge

Write down things that have interfered or side tracked you from your goals in the past. Once you have identified the issues you can close the bridge. So, if you’re someone that loses motivation you may need to find yourself a personal trainer or a training buddy to keep you focussed and motivated.

Block out time

Lack of time can serve as a long-lasting excuse for us all. To realistically set yourself up for success you must determine how much time you will need to devote to reaching your goal then schedule it in your calendar each week so you aren’t tempted to double-book. This could be for both exercise and meal prep.

Know your weaknesses

It is important to identify your triggers. Does something make you emotionally want to eat or not want to eat? Does something trigger you to want to have a drink after work? Take note of your behaviour and what causes you to slip up then again close the bridge and work through it so you prevent self-sabotage. For example, if you’re someone that after a stressful day at work reaches for the wine when you get home possibly try replacing it with some sparkling water.

Don’t do it alone

Connect with someone that you trust, ask them to support you through this time and help keep you accountable.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

Try and spend your time with like-minded people who share your aspirations and long-term objectives. Seek out others who are committed on making positive changes in their own lives but encourage you to do the same.

Try mindful meditation

Meditation and becoming more mindful can help reveal why cravings and addictive behaviours arise and may allow you to make changes with more ease. I would recommend the headspace app Great way to start meditation.


Make sure along the way that you reward yourself for your efforts, treat yourself to that massage or something that benefits you. Whatever you reward yourself with make it something that will benefit your body or mind.

If you feel like you still need some help or guidance join us for our

Mind Body Reset 4-week Program  starting the end of January.

Scott Henry

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