How to keep exercising with an Injury?

Eventually it happens to all of us – no matter how fit or strong, it is inevitable that one day we are going to encounter an injury not always when exercising but just in every day life. This could range from a very minor niggle which we can shake off in a day or two to more serious injuries that could sideline you for months.

Not only can an injury really hurt (and not in a good way), but it’s also so damn frustrating! You are making serious gains and feel stronger and better than ever and an injury can be a huge handbrake on your progress!

The big question is, when you do have an injury, can you keep exercising? Should you try and push through the pain or should you stop altogether. Well like a lot of things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Have the injury checked out

Even if it seems a minor issue, if it is not getting better after a week or is getting worse, it is always better to be safe than sorry. The last thing you want is to keep training and making the injury worse and being forced to take time out.

So get yourself to the doctor or a physio and find out exactly what the problem is and how it can best be managed.

Stay safe and use protection

This is really important – you need to keep any injury safe and sound. If you are able to keep training, make sure you work around the affected area.

So if you have a knee problem. Running a marathon or doing heavy squats is only going to make things worse. Consider not running that marathon. Use lighter weights so as not to overload the injury. Do some low impact exercises or some rehab based exercises to help your knees. There are many creative ways to keep training while keeping your body safe.

Always listen to your body, it will always tell you what to do. Always monitor the injury while you are exercising to see how it reacts. Slow and steady is the way to go.

Call in the big guns

One of the biggest reasons people use a personal trainer or an EP is to ensure their form is perfect and to modify exercises due to any physical limitations.

A very common reason for injuries is bad technique. Lifting too heavy, not keeping a strong core or hyperextending during some moves. A well-qualified PT can keep an eye on your form to ensure you are moving correctly and safely.

If there are any exercises that aggravate an old or current injury. Experienced PT can give alternative exercises which keep challenging the body without hurting it or making things worse.

It’s not just physical

When starting to train again after an injury (especially if it is a major one which may have required surgery). Mental strength plays a big part in the rehabilitation process.

A personal trainer can make a huge difference here. A person may feel apprehensive, have lost their confidence or feeling defeated. A PT can help build a person’s mental fortitude, which is going to help them overcome that fear of reinjury or self-doubt. And this helps to shorten the recovery time and banish any negative thoughts.

Focus on other important areas

Don’t forget other areas in your life that need attention to ensure you get up and moving as soon as possible.

We are talking about getting a good night’s sleep, be smart with alcohol and making sure your nutrition is on point. If you’re struggling with this you may need a nutrition coaching session.

Look outside the box

It may be time to get a little creative and look at other opportunities that you may have never considered.

Pilates is an excellent way to exercise while you are recovering. Don’t think it is just for the ladies or it isn’t a proper workout – Pilates can be incredibly challenging plus it is a well-recognised way for injury rehabilitation. Very slow and controlled movements plus a focus on better balance, Pilates forces you to work the whole body which will better support any injured areas.

Swimming, hiking and cycling are all great ways to keep training – low impact yet high resistance you still get a good cardio workout without putting too much stress on the joints.

So what if you have now recovered?

If you did have an injury and are back to full strength then you will want to ensure it never happens again (or at least reduce the chance of hurting yourself again).

Again working with a Personal Trainer is the way to go.

As we mentioned before, one of the most common reasons people hurt themselves is not ever being shown how to do the exercise correctly in the first place.

A skilled PT will assess you to see what moves you can and can’t do. Then they can develop a plan for you to help you reach your goals but do it safely. They will demonstrate how to use gym equipment and how to do it right so you can

If you want to get started exercising again, even if you have never had an injury at all, you want to ensure you start off on the right foot. Using a PT keeps you in good hands as they will ensure you train in safe environment with clean equipment (and how important is that nowadays!).

Plus a Personal Trainer can educate you on the moves and thereby preventing any future injuries from ever happening again.

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Scott Henry

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