Posts by Simone Alice
Why Sauna? Unlocking the Surprising Health Secrets!
Saunas aren’t just a luxury—they’re a powerhouse for health. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, stepping into the heat can offer much more than just relaxation. Let’s break it down and unlock the surprising secrets to how regular sauna use might boost your wellness and longevity! Dialling In the Perfect Session Temperature…
Read More“Mindful Recovery” Is Your Everyday Superpower
In a world that seems to pull us in a million directions, it’s easy to feel like we’re constantly on autopilot. We move from task to task, reacting instead of truly engaging. Mindfulness is like a superpower because it gives you an incredible tool: control over where your mind goes, even when the world around you is chaotic. Instead of feeling tossed around by stress, emotions, or whatever’s happening in your day, mindfulness gives you the ability to pause, choose your response, and stay steady.
Read MoreCreating Your Perfect Weekly Workout Routine
While life can sometimes get in the way of your scheduled workout program—for instance, maybe your child is sick and you have to a class, or a work meeting runs late and you can’t fit in what you had planned—having a set structure week-to-week can go a long way in helping fitness become an ingrained part of your lifestyle. Your health and fitness habit.
Read MoreSlow down time, stop the clock and improve your biological age!
It may seem obvious but the way we live and how we live contributes directly to the way we age. Yep, we have the control to change and improve our biological age and who doesn’t want to be younger? What is our biological age? We have two ages, the traditional measurement of age, our chronological…
Read MoreTypes of Yoga: Find a Practice That’s Right for You!
Whether you’re looking for a healing session, a sweaty workout, or a way to rest and restore your body, there are many types of yoga to suit your needs and interests.
Read MoreA Very Merry Guilt Free Christmas
Have a guilt-free Christmas and stay on track! Find the sweet spot between enjoyment and your health and fitness goals. Eat the pav, the xmas pudding and the brandied custard……whatever yummy season traditions you like … EAT them and enjoy them. Here’s how to enjoy Christmas with balance, not restriction What about the booze this…
Read MoreStuck on a fat loss plateau?
You may be surprised that one of the most common reason for a fat loss plateau is undereating. Yes, starving your body may be causing your metabolism to slow and your body to actually hold on to fat stores.
Read MoreThe Hormone Fat Loss Connection
Hormones and fat loss connection is probably one of the most complex but yet simple topics we need to understand. Boys……. this affects you too… it’s NOT just a girl thing. Men have hormonal cycles too!! Here’s a fun fact, while they obviously may not be the same as the girls “monthly” cycles, men actually…
Read MoreHow Can You Reduce Body Fat?
Two out of three Australians are currently overweight or obese so, how can you reduce body fat?
Read MoreWhen to use a Coach (Personal Trainer)
How do we know when it’s the right time to get a coach? We are constantly bombarded with exercise guides and fitness tips. All you really need to do is jump onto the Internet or social media. There is absolutely no end to the information. But are they the right training programs for you? Are…
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