How Can You Reduce Body Fat?

The socially unacceptable question these days…… Putting this aside, let’s focus on the how’s and not the why’s this time. There are many why’s but that’s another blog. Two out of three Australians are currently overweight or obese so, how can you reduce body fat?

While a healthy amount of body fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, carrying too much body fat has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis and cancer, having too little body fat can be just as dangerous.

Fat exists in virtually every cell in the body—in fact, the brain is 60% fat.

How do we reduce body fat? When it comes to reducing body fat, there’s a lot of information out there. It can be difficult to figure out which strategies are best for you The answer is often not just diet and exercise (though they are a big part of it). Achieving an ideal body fat percentage varies from person to person, so what works for one body may not work for the next…….and that opens a huge big world of other topics.

Let’s keep this simple.

Here are the 10 most important steps can you take to reduce body fat.

1. Be In A Calorie Deficit

A calorie is a measurement of energy. You must be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat. A calorie deficit occurs when you consume fewer calories than your body expends. Unfortunately it’s not always that simple. You can be in a calorie deficit and still not lose body fat. Everyone’s caloric needs and deficits are different and depend on a variety of factors, like how much you exercise, your genes, your hormones, and your metabolism. Cutting calories too much increases the loss of lean muscle and can slow down our metabolism and actually slow down or stop fat loss….. yep it can get complicated. `

2. Eat More Good Fats

Instead of eating a low-fat diet, focus on eating beneficial “good” fats like polyunsaturated fats and limiting harmful “bad” fats like trans fats.

“Eating fat actually helps you lose weight because it slows down digestion and helps you to feel more satisfied after a meal

3. Get Your Strength Training In

Strength training has multiple health benefits, especially when it comes to fat loss. When it comes to optimizing fat loss, you want to pick up some weights. Strength training may not only help decrease your body fat levels but also increase resting energy expenditure. The most significant reductions in fat mass happen when you combine diet and strength training.

Resistance training may help preserve fat-free mass, which may increase the number of calories your body burns at rest. Weight training builds muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat-up to three times more.

4. Increase Your NEAT

What’s your NEAT? Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT. The calories you burn just by doing your normal daily tasks, like cooking, vacuuming, taking out the rubbish, fidgeting etc. It may not seem like a big deal but every bit counts when it comes to reducing body fat.

Too much time sitting on your bum or living a sedentary lifestyle may increase fat accumulation. In Studies have shown a low level of NEAT is associated with obesity.

SO…. move it to lose it.

Look for little changes you can make each day. Take the stairs, parking your car a few blocks away or get or the bus a stop early.

5. Prioritise Protein….Pump It Up

Protein promotes satiation (the feeling of fullness), It helps us retain muscle mass while losing body fat and increasing diet-induced thermogenesis (the burning of calories from digestion).

It helps decrease the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin, this can help you crave fewer sweets and carbohydrates. Adding more protein to your diet may also help boost your metabolism so that your body burns more calories throughout the day.

6. Sleep More

Sleep is absolutely essential for fat loss. Sleep deprivation interferes with leptin and ghrelin, the two hormones that regulate our appetite and makes us more likely to indulge in crappy eating habits.

Cortisol is another hormone that rises when you’re sleep deprived. We release it in response to stress as well and it’s a major contributor to fat accumulation in our belly area.

We all need a different amount of sleep but most studies say at least 7 hours of sleep per night to get the most benefits for weight management and overall health.

7. The Liquids Count

Watch what you drink !

High-calorie soft drinks, alcohol and other such drinks can account for up to 30% of a person’s daily caloric intake.

Drink more water. Most adults don’t drink enough water because they are too busy, forget or don’t track it. Water is essential for burning off fat from food and drink, as well as stored fat. It has been found that increased water intake can lead to increased lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and a reduction of new fat growth.

8. Eat Mindfully – Slow It Down

Take time to eat!

Did you know, it takes about 20 minutes for the average person’s gastrointestinal tract to start signaling the brain that it’s full. By taking your time, slowing down and enjoying your food, you allow your gut the time it needs to tell your brain that you’ve had enough, this will help avoid that accidental overeating.

Try eating until you’re 80% full, and then give your brain some time to catch up. Chances are if you wait a few minutes, you’ll end up eating less and thereby lowering body fat before it accumulates.

9. Find More Fiber

Fiber fills you up and takes longer to digest than sugars, protein and carbohydrates. Fiber is heart-healthy, good for gut health and can reduce risk of diabetes and certain cancers and it helps in reducing belly fat.

Fiber helps make our poop softer and bulkier and speeds its passage from our bodies.

10.  Ditch The Processed Carbs and Refined Sugars

Highly processed grains are stripped of their bran and germ, resulting in a final product that’s low in fiber and nutrients.

Refined carbs generally have a high glycemic index (GI), which may cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels that lead to increased hunger.

Replace refined carbs from pastries, processed foods, pastas, white breads, and breakfast cereals with whole grains like whole wheat, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, and oats.

Summing It Up!

It can be challenging to reduce body fat, it requires hard work, patience, and dedication.

Consistency is the key!!

Fad diets and fat-burning supps promise quick results but modifying your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine is the most effective way to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Don’t let anyone shame you for wanting to reduce body fat. There is nothing wrong with loving our bodies and wanting to improve them

Simone Alice