Simone Alice
Simone Alice
Nutrition Coach
- Precision Nutrition Sport & Exercise Nutrition Certificate PN1
- Cert III Gym Instructor
- Cert IV Personal Trainer
- PN CP1 Behaviour Change
- PN 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Certified Coach

My Philosophy
You just can’t out train poor nutrition. Enjoy your body and your food. I want to coach you to healthier eating habits. Look better, feel better, perform better and be better
My Fitness Philosophy
I’m all about educating and helping you fuel your body properly no matter what your individual health or training goals may be. Increase your energy, loose the weight, gain muscle, sleep better, move better maybe get stronger, we all have different goals.
I want to help you with the skills you need to ditch the rigid thoughts you may have about food and stop restricting yourself. Eliminate your fear and don’t be so hard on yourself. Overcome those emotional eating patterns you have had for years and get your relationship with food on track.
My favourite quote
“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself” George Bernard Shaw