The Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

Exercising outdoors is a popular way to exercise. A way that we may not do as regularly as we should. With the busy lives that we lead in modern society it is important to take the time to get outside and find a balance. Many of the benefits you obtain from exercising outside can be realized when training indoors – weight loss, muscle growth, self-esteem – but there are some things that only the outdoors can give us. Here are some of the benefits that the outdoors has on offer for all of us.

 Fresh air

For many of us, we spend a large proportion of our lives inside, often in air conditioning. It is important to take the time to head outdoors and breathe in fresh air. Breathing in fresh air increases the natural cleaning action of your lungs and boosts your immune system. Your red blood cells will thank you as they have more oxygen being carried to them.

Sunshine/Vitamin D

When you head outdoors your Vitamin D levels naturally increase. Vitamin D is important for calcium production, strong bones and has been linked to reducing cancer. Have you ever noticed that you feel great after being out in the sun? That is because there is a direct correlation between light and mood. Getting in a couple of extra hours of sunshine each week through exercise will help boost your mood and can help those with depression. (See Mind & Body below)


There are so many ways that you can exercise outside, helping to avoid boredom, maintain interest and have you sticking to excise long-term. In addition to the obvious outdoor options – walking, running, swimming and cycling – you can also take part in group activities like BoxingBootcamp (or Boot Camp, depending on how you like to spell it), Interval Training or even individual Personal Training.

Mind & Body

Exercising outside is not only great for your body, but also your mind, particularly when managing anxiety and stress. Research suggests that exercising outside can be associated with ‘greater feelings of revitalisation, increased energy and positive engagement, together with decreases in tension, confusion, anger and depression’. There is growing research to suggest that this is not only due to you being out in direct sunlight and fresh air, but because you are making direct contact with the earth. Having direct contact helps with stress, anxiety, increasing blood flow in the body and reducing inflammation.

Just like the many different exercise options you have outdoors, the benefits from exercising outdoors are numerous as well. Taking the time to get outside, breathe, soak up some sunshine see you finding some balance in your life.

For someone who is already exercising regularly, try and commit to taking one of your sessions outside each week and reap the additional benefits the great outdoors can offer.

If you aren’t being as active as you would like and struggle to get enough time outside each week then partaking in an outdoor class may just be the motivator that you need to get on the path to feeling great. InnerFit offers 11 different outdoor exercise classes each week at three different locations in Sydney’s InnerWest – Petersham, Camperdown and St Peters. Claim your free trial week today and get outside!

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Scott Henry

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