Nutritional Coaching Online & Face to Face
Nutritional support and advice to empower & help you to make better choices in becoming your best selves. To provide you with the accountability, skills and tools you need to reach your goals and achieve lasting change.
For some its simple, gain muscle mass, lose body fat, sleep better, look and feel better, shift behaviours, change habits. For others its about discovering that there is a way to break away from the fad diets, change your relationship with food, live without daily food guilt and shame.
The right program is the one that works for you. There is no such thing as one for for all, everyone is individual, everyone is unique.
What we can give you
What you need to give
Hear from our happy customers...

Simone from Innerfit nutrition has been a game changer for me! Over our 10 sessions she helped me work through some intense realities. I am a dancer and with that comes a lot of self-hate and punishment with food and with Simone’s help I am less self-loathing and more self-loving.
She has given me skills to last me through my life not quick fixes to help me loose a few kg’s. I so glad I invested in myself by investing in Simone from Innerfit nutrition!

I love that my clothes fit again, even the ones in a box under the bed that I thought I would never wear. I lost myself during the year that was 2020. Struggling with energy, Struggling with what to eat. I just needed someone to help me get back on a healthier path. I decided to book the nutrition pack with Sim because I wanted to create some new habits, learn about myself again and get my confidence back.
I haven’t looked back. I have always been on a diet or a program or trying the new eating way of life and it always ended with me giving up and putting more weight on. These sessions are none of these. They are about developing long lasting habits and mindset shifts for the long run.
I have never been so confident & healthy in my life and an energy I have never had before. No looking back!!!

I was able to shed 10kg in 8 weeks. Our weekly coaching sessions during the InnerFit challenge helped me to understand not only the amount of fuel but the type of fuel my body needed to hit my goals of reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass.
Best part is that the skills and tools I learnt have allowed me to maintain my new body fat / muscle percentages.

Since I can remember I have always been someone who has carried excess weight and enjoyed my food. Over the years I have tried numerous diets, some worked momentarily whilst others did nothing for me. During the last year my food intake and body shape has had an impact on my entire wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. I knew I had to make a change, but i also wanted to continue the lifestyle I had come accustomed with I didn’t know this could be possible until I met Simone from Innerfit nutrition. She spent time getting to know me, she asked about my goals, relationship with food and importantly what food or drinks I would struggle to give up. Her response was, “we will make these your non negotiable’s and you can have them as long as everything fits in with your macros!” Initially i thought, this isn’t how diets are suppose to work, I am meant to give up these things. However I stand corrected, due to Simone’s knowledge and understanding I was able to have these things in moderation, after a few weeks I noticed that I had more energy,sleeping better and was less bloated. These are just a few things that have improved since seeing Simone. I would highly recommend her and Innerfit nutrition, they offer support and a welcoming environment.

If you are motivated to make improvements to your wellbeing then I cannot recommend Simone and InnerFit highly enough. Our coaching sessions gave me the tools to make real changes to both how I look and feel.
The nutritional advice and plan is not about dieting. It is about understanding food, eating better and complimenting your exercise routine. In fact, I was eating more, with better results, than when I was trying to do it alone.
Don’t get me wrong – we had some non-negotiables (Thursday night beers!). But they were made to fit my plan.
Simone and InnerFit’s nutritional plan and approach really works.

Having rocked a dad bod for many years, I decided it was time to take charge of my health and wellbeing. In a matter of 8 weeks, I achieved many of my fitness goals including weight loss of 9kg.
The nutrition sessions have proved invaluable in guiding me through the 8 week challenge and beyond. They allowed me to develop habits and patterns that are not only proven, but also sustainable. My mindset and relationship with food and exercise has improved dramatically.
If you are looking at being part of a welcoming community that supports and encourages its members, InnerFit is for you. They focus on all members achieving their absolute best, by setting achievable goals that can be incorporated into anyones home and work balance.
I can not recommend Simone, Scott and the team at InnerFit enough.

After feeling constantly tired, anxious and generally blergh, thanks to my Hashimoto’s, I realised I couldn’t make the lifestyle changes I needed to, alone. On a recommendation I sought help from Simone. I have been seeing Simone for nutritional support for about 12 months. During this time, Simone has taught me how to make better choices with food and food preparation. I have learned to plan better with food. This saves me time in the kitchen and money at the supermarket. I have made small changes in small steps and I am feeling much better for it. I also have more confidence in making good choices for my gut health. Whilst my nutrition is not always perfect, it is significantly better thanks to Simone. The version of imperfect is better! If you are contemplating getting nutrition advice, I can’t recommend Simone highly enough. Simone’s knowledge and advice is always supportive and without judgement. Her direction is practical and very much relevant to my individual needs; a mixture of tough love and gentle guidance. Thank you Simone for all that you do; I am very very grateful.

Nutrition coaching with Simone has been a real eye opener. I’ve always had a pretty good understanding around food and eat well in general. But putting exercise and eating right together was always a little hit and miss in regards to seeing results in fat loss, gaining lean muscle and my energy levels … not to mention maintaining it and incorporating it into my everyday life without stress.
The amount of positives massively out way the negatives, listening to Simone’s advice and hearing some hard truths was greatly appreciated.
I’m seeing and feeling the results. Put in the effort with support and you’ll get there!